Wednesday, April 6, 2011

THE WORLD as we knew it

Goodbye continental, country, state, and local boarders and welcome to the world of connectivity where everyone can be anywhere anytime. Our generation is currently in the process of changing the global climate of communication and the way in which the world is moving from a snails pace to like a G6. The way I grew up and the way in which I communicate with my peers is something that my parents, grandparents, and my kids will never understand. The amount of time my peers and I will have spent in front of a computer screen by the time we pass away who knows when (with healthcare only improving) will rival the amount of sleep we received in our entire lifetime. Globalization is such a BUZZ word but when people really debate it, I sit back and chuckle. "Globalization is a terrible thing! Our country is losing paying jobs to people all over China and India and it's ruining the American way!" A popular and ignorant argument heard from Americans again and again. The truth, the big secret everyone needs to wake up and smell the global coffee is: WHO CARES IF GLOBALIZATION IS GOOD OR BAD! IT DOES NOT MATTER, IT IS HAPPENING!!! and if businesses, governments, and humans do not want to accept it and learn to adapt and use it to their advantage ... they will go the way of many bankrupt companies, they will be trillions of dollars in debt like the US gov't, and they will remain ignorant in the Western Culture bubble! The world is a great place but getting smaller everyday and people should be excited to experience new cultures and new ideas where with collaboration, respect, cooperation we can all make the world a better place!

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