Monday, April 18, 2011

Tweet Tweet #icantbelieveimabouttogetatwitter

So I'm about to give in to the one thing I whole heartedly thought I would never do...

Participate in Twitter.

When the Twitter craze started years ago the whole concept seemed very egotistic and self-centered to me. Why would people need to tell the world what they are doing or what they are thinking. How stupid. Who really cares what you, as not a very significant person in the scheme of the world, has to say. And personally, I don't really care if you just had a delicious meal or that your attending some concert tonight.

As well, Facebook already had the concept of "posting a status," so why would you need a site that devotes itself to solely posts when that feature is already mixed in with your Facebook account. It really puzzled me.

In a sense I understood a little bit how it could be useful for businesses or news sites that allowed people to stay up to date on events or what is new. But having everyday people get involved in tweeting to the world or friends seemed weird to me.

Part of my confusion might have been because I never really knew anyone who used Twitter, so it seemed pointless for me to get one. None of my immediate friends were doing it so why should I do it either. Now though, a lot of my friends have hopped on the Twitter train and they're having a lot of fun doing it. They tweet funny messages and follow other friends or celebrities. I feel really left out, since I can't read any of their postings since I don't have a twitter.

I'm also seeing it as a useful tool to get updates on news entertainment, and other events or important things I should be following- and it allows an easy way to do that.

My feelings for Twitter have changed, and I'm interested to see how it works and if I like it or not. Part of me is reluctant to get one a.) because I don't know what my username would be and b.) because I don't want to be just a follower following what is trendy (though deep down I want to try it out). I feel a little bit like I'm following what society wants me to be doing, following the norm that is growing out of Twitter. Soon I could be addicted to yet another time wasting social media that I feel a compulsion to check. Maybe it will make me feel left out when I see friends Tweeting about fun stuff they're doing or have done. I don't know. Maybe I'll love it and it will add to my life. Who knows! I guess I'll find out and see.

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