Thursday, April 28, 2011
Not So Safe
In Chicago, a 14-year-old boy has been charged with attempted murder and aggravated battery after shooting at a 12-year-old. The two had been involved in an argument on Facebook, posting threats on each other's' Facebook pages. The two boys were part of rival gangs. Now friends of the victim are threatening, on his Facebook page, to get revenge on the shooter and his friends.
Social media is being used for more than just being social. Its opening up the outside world to the online world, but still equally as dangerous.
The Article
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Rewired Book Review
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Internet is Forever
One of the victims mom made a comment about how she didn't know her daughter had gotten a promotion, when she asked her about it she told her "MOM, I posted that on my wall a week ago!" She assumed her mom had seen it on Facebook like everyone else.
I think we all forget the implications that can come from using social networking sites so frequently and sharing every bit of information of our lives on there. It can be a real safety issue, which I think the Criminal Minds episode was trying to convey. We're so naive that whatever we post on the internet can't harm us, but it can, and if fell into the wrong hands could be fatal. You would never put a sign on your house saying "Gone on Vacation," but people post status's on Facebook all the time about how they will be away for the weekend- leaving their house empty and unoccupied.
There are some really smart and technologically intelligent criminals and people out there who can hack computer systems and gain information about people and information that people intended to be private. But the internet is anything but private, despite all the security these sites lead you to believe they have... The internet is forever. Social networking sites and social media are not as private or safe as you may believe.
Beats by Dre
Monday, April 25, 2011
The ASIAN Century
China has learned from the United States and much of Europe in respect to the financial systems.
The reason why the US and countries such as Greece and Ireland are struggling so much is because they did not properly allocate resources to responsible individuals.
The systems we used and are still using did not and do not enforce keeping a high enough % capital on hand and let the banks loan out too much money into risky loans. (ie bigger returns and profits for their stocks)
China saw the meltdown of 2008 and as its booming economy gears up for many loans and finances new and upcoming entrepreneurs that do not have credit yet, it wants to make sure the banks have plenty of capital on hand and enough to loan out but keep everything in check.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Running Away From Technology
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Day 5: My Twitter Experience
What I've liked so far about my Twitter experience is that I get news updates from the New York Times, Huffington post and other sites about interesting things or news going on in the world. I feel a lot more informed, and I think it's going to definitely help keep me in the loop.
I've also downloaded the Twitter app to my blackberry and have used it to post tweets or check my feed and see what's up.
Thanks social media, I don't know what we'd do with out you.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Weekend in Indio
Left Santa Clara early Wed. afternoon set out for the 3-day Coachella Valley Music Festival. As a Los Angeles Native I had ventured out to palm springs numerous times but never to camp in the desert heat.
It was quite the weekend... with artists ranging from Mumford and Sons to Kanye to AfroJack anyone could find a great set to listen to in a mellow musical atmosphere.
Unfortunately they had no way to figure out who was dumping who. But my guess is the significant other of the person who used twitter was the dumper. Why? Maybe because their boyfriend/girlfriend spent so much on twitter and tweeted too much about their life or their relationship that it drove a rift between the two. Who knows tho.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The World Unplugged: Media the Emerging Drug
"Media is my drug; without it I was lost” - UK
Monday, April 18, 2011
Tweet Tweet #icantbelieveimabouttogetatwitter
Participate in Twitter.
When the Twitter craze started years ago the whole concept seemed very egotistic and self-centered to me. Why would people need to tell the world what they are doing or what they are thinking. How stupid. Who really cares what you, as not a very significant person in the scheme of the world, has to say. And personally, I don't really care if you just had a delicious meal or that your attending some concert tonight.
As well, Facebook already had the concept of "posting a status," so why would you need a site that devotes itself to solely posts when that feature is already mixed in with your Facebook account. It really puzzled me.
In a sense I understood a little bit how it could be useful for businesses or news sites that allowed people to stay up to date on events or what is new. But having everyday people get involved in tweeting to the world or friends seemed weird to me.
Part of my confusion might have been because I never really knew anyone who used Twitter, so it seemed pointless for me to get one. None of my immediate friends were doing it so why should I do it either. Now though, a lot of my friends have hopped on the Twitter train and they're having a lot of fun doing it. They tweet funny messages and follow other friends or celebrities. I feel really left out, since I can't read any of their postings since I don't have a twitter.
I'm also seeing it as a useful tool to get updates on news entertainment, and other events or important things I should be following- and it allows an easy way to do that.
My feelings for Twitter have changed, and I'm interested to see how it works and if I like it or not. Part of me is reluctant to get one a.) because I don't know what my username would be and b.) because I don't want to be just a follower following what is trendy (though deep down I want to try it out). I feel a little bit like I'm following what society wants me to be doing, following the norm that is growing out of Twitter. Soon I could be addicted to yet another time wasting social media that I feel a compulsion to check. Maybe it will make me feel left out when I see friends Tweeting about fun stuff they're doing or have done. I don't know. Maybe I'll love it and it will add to my life. Who knows! I guess I'll find out and see.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
"F-Commerce": Facebook and Fashion
Thursday, April 14, 2011
We've all been there. When you log onto Facebook and you see new fun pictures of your friends doing something cool together, or peoples status's, or the parties that your friend got invited to on Facebook but you didn't. They can all provoke a sense of feeling left out, and the fear that we are missing out.
This article raises some good questions regarding our usage of social media sites and how it's affected us to feel left out more often (FOMO).
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
These next few years are crucial to the trajectory of our country's economy (domestically and globally)...
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Winklevoss Twins and Facebook
The Winklevoss vs. Mark Zuckerberg lawsuit has come back into the spot light recently. The Winklevoss twins and another classmate had signed a settlement awarding them $65 million (cash and Facebook stock). However now they have taken the case back to court arguing that Facebook gave them false stock value. Yesterday though a judge ruled that their settlement cannot be undone. The Winklevosses and classmate should have gotten a lot more- since now Facebook is valued at over $50 billion. They could have been entitled to more money. According to the New York Times (read first article below), their settlement is now worth around $200 million dollars.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Keepin' it Hood
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wired Through Clothing
THE WORLD as we knew it
Goodbye continental, country, state, and local boarders and welcome to the world of connectivity where everyone can be anywhere anytime. Our generation is currently in the process of changing the global climate of communication and the way in which the world is moving from a snails pace to like a G6. The way I grew up and the way in which I communicate with my peers is something that my parents, grandparents, and my kids will never understand. The amount of time my peers and I will have spent in front of a computer screen by the time we pass away who knows when (with healthcare only improving) will rival the amount of sleep we received in our entire lifetime. Globalization is such a BUZZ word but when people really debate it, I sit back and chuckle. "Globalization is a terrible thing! Our country is losing paying jobs to people all over China and India and it's ruining the American way!" A popular and ignorant argument heard from Americans again and again. The truth, the big secret everyone needs to wake up and smell the global coffee is: WHO CARES IF GLOBALIZATION IS GOOD OR BAD! IT DOES NOT MATTER, IT IS HAPPENING!!! and if businesses, governments, and humans do not want to accept it and learn to adapt and use it to their advantage ... they will go the way of many bankrupt companies, they will be trillions of dollars in debt like the US gov't, and they will remain ignorant in the Western Culture bubble! The world is a great place but getting smaller everyday and people should be excited to experience new cultures and new ideas where with collaboration, respect, cooperation we can all make the world a better place!