Friday, May 13, 2011

Online Dating

You see it almost everyday on TV; some commercial of a "happily" married couple who met on an online dating site such as eharmony or The statistics say that one in five relationships begin on an online dating site. So what is this saying about our society and how we are meeting future mates. It shows how serious social media is having an impact on not just our social lives, but our futures and how we meet our boyfriend/girlfriends or future husbands or wives. 

I think there's been a lot of focus on how social medias have affected our relationships in general, but less emphasis on the impact its having on on dating and marital relationships. If 1 in 5 relationships begin on an online dating site, thats 20% of all relationships. That's a lot of people meeting on an online dating site, and a bit scary. It shows that less and less people are meeting in regular social interactions; such as how our parents or grandparents met. There's no longer that funny or cute story of how you and your significant other met that you share to everyone. Now when people ask "oh how did you two meet?" 1 in 5 respond "on an online dating site." 

Online dating sites are really impacting how relationships begin, and how we meet our partners is changing. The change between meeting them in the real world/everyday life to finding them on the online world. 

There are positives to the invention of online dating sites, but it also poses some important things to consider and take note of. For example, on an online dating site you get to choose from tens to hundreds of potential matches, review their profiles, and critique them really hard while comparing them to others- trying to find the perfect one. Your seeing only what the site allows you to see, and you don't get to really experience their personality up close. It's easy to misjudge someone who could potentially have maybe been the love of your life, if you had met them in person first. It's like shopping online for clothes but instead its real people to go on dates with. Strange, but things are evolving so fast these days nothing seems strange anymore. 

Although, it does allows a lot of people who don't have time, or the confidence to interact and meet people in random public places firs,t a chance to find true love. 

I think the fact that so many people are meeting on  online sites like eharmony and says a lot about how we use social media, not just as a way to keep in touch with friends but as a way to meet people romantically. The possibilities are evolving because of social media 

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