Friday, May 27, 2011

Mobile Payment Plans Coming Soon

“The mobile phone will eventually take over your wallet, replacing your credit cards, cash and coupons. But it could be some time before this new type of transaction becomes an everyday reality.”

Google will soon begin  to allow customers to make mobile payments with an Android phone is just one of a string of similar things consumers will hear about over the next year. Others are expected from Apple, Microsoft and Nokia. There are also the big banks, who are heavily invested in this service. For example, MasterCard offers PayPass, a service that allows people to tap a small device against an electronic reader at checkout; this technology is expected to be integrated into mobile phones soon too.


-        Convenience with fast transactions
-        Printed receipts will not be misplaced or lost

-        Lack of phones with the right built-in payment technology and the small number of merchants with the right tools to perform these transactions will clearly slow mobile payment growth.

-        “Google Wallet Is Not About Mobile Payments” that it would take some time before the right payment products become available and are adopted by the public.
-        Stolen devices will result in privacy issues


When I started this blog back at the beginning of the quarter, I had intended to try out different social medias and blog about my experience using them. Although I strayed from that plan of action I feel like I learned a lot more by immersing myself in one social media that was new to me and getting a feel for it. I picked Twitter. When I started this blog I was dead set on not getting a Twitter, but a bit into the class I realized it might be a cool thing to try out for my blog and useful for my personal life. It's been about a month or more since I've had my twitter and I've really enjoyed it. This blog also helped me explore different aspects of the impact of social media. It made me think about how prominent social media is in our culture and the impacts its having on our society. The one regret I have during this blogging experience is not getting a LinkedIn and blogging about my experience using it. Just like Twitter, I think a LinkedIn account is going to be something important for me to have, so it might have been fun to have blogged about my first times using it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Psychological effects of Social Media?

Its your birthday and you log onto Facbeook. How many people have posted a happy birthday on your wall? A few, 10, 50, 100, 150, more? It sounds childish but how many people acknowledge your birthday on Facebook can make or break a birthday. In away it means you're well liked and people care, but it also means you have a lot of friends. Something most people strive for. But what happens if not that many friends wish you happy birthday on Facebook? How do you feel? Sad? Yeah, I would. I know on my birthdays I look forward to reading what people wish me happy birthday and what they say. Most of them are the generic "happy birthday!" and others more personal. But when good friends of mine don't wish me happy birthday on Facebook it kind of hurts-- sort of like a slap in the face saying they really don't care that much. Instances like this, that are experience through social media can be damaging to ones self image.

So that brings me to my question. Are there psychological effects of social media from sites like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and other social networking/media sites?

On our social media sites, we all want to post ourselves in the best light possible. We choose the best looking profile pictures, post on peoples walls to seem popular, carefully scan through and untag any unflattering picture, and the list goes on and on. But there has to be psychological effects from using these sites. Like comparing ourselves to other people we know. I doubt most people would admit it, but most people have had that moment while creeping friends profile pictures and feel a little less pretty. Maybe its a girl thing, but i'm sure the same could happen to guys. That can't be healthy to our self-esteem or confidence.

Yeah its natural to compare ourselves to others, by nature we are jealous and competitive, but social media sites almost take it to the next level by giving us a place out of the real world to continue our competition and comparing in a virtual world.

For example, the cases where girls have committed suicide after something embarrassing or hurtful happened on a social media site. It's a really powerful tool if you use it in the wrong way.

In a way though we are putting our selves in these positions to get our feelings hurt or feel left out. We choose to be apart of these sites that allow us to be exposed to ways for us to get emotionally hurt. We are posting up our lives for others to judge. Everyone is judgmental, so when we expose our selves like the way we do on social media sites, we are basically asking for it.

I like social media, I think the pros of them definitely outweigh the cons but I really think there are heavy psychological effects that can come from them. And we should definitely try to be aware of them, or figure them out so we can try to avoid the nasty consequences.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Check out reddit, a social news website.
Users can post links to stuff on the internet, and vote on links making them more popular or not.
There are sub-committees such as "random" "funny" "politics" and some more interesting/strange ones such as "aww" "trees" and "atheism."

The links and articles seem very random- but kind of interesting.

I think this one's kind of funny click here (currently ranked number 5)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

No more Middle Class in America

It is not hard to see why our economy is stagnant with this type of taxation happening?

NO MORE MIDDLE CLASS: article from the WSJ about taxation

What is the incentive to make more if the gov't is just going to tax more?

Is this encouraging any type of positivity within our society?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cool Twitter Story

So as you all already probably know, diplo, a DJ, played for us here at SCU last night. Earlier in the week the house Moontower used their twitter account to tweet diplo to try to convince him to play at an after party at their house after the concert. The goal was to get a lot of people to tweet the same thing to diplo to try to convince him. I don't know the exact number of people who tweeted him, but diplo tweeted back to the house's twitter saying '@The_Moontower lets doo thiz'. Days leading up to the concert and the day of people kept tweeting diplo to do it. Diplo actually ended up coming out to the house to the party following the concert. All because of twitter. He even tweeted about it saying 'in someones house somewhere in cali' with a picture (below). SO COOL! Shows the power of twitter for sure.

(Diplo's Picture Tweet- inside the house)


Smart WAY of thinking!

TED Video: Lets teach our kids to be entrepreneurs

A different way to raise our kids?... is a great website to find sites or common interests you may can search for about anything from random technology to sports to any type of hobbies through user generated recommendations!

Investing for fools?

Linked In Investment Article

"However, at the end of the day, a stock must be weighed on the basis of its fundamentals. LinkedIn is an important company, but it's not as valuable as today's investors think."

How much is our market perception based by the media... aka WSJ, BLOOMBERG, NYTIMES, and buys, sells, short buy analysts who we think they know what they are talking about...?

Look at the financial statements for most companies on Wall Street and justify stock prices based on our recession economy being funded by the gov't and the federal reserve... It's scary how we will face another recession at the middle to end of summer...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Traveling Back in Time...

Today I decided to venture back to the world of Myspace. A place I spent a lot of time on as a 14 year old high school freshman. I have not been on in years, but never managed to fully delete my account. Yeah I deleted all of the content on my page, but my picture still shows a smiling 14 year old "Bri." I remember last visiting my Myspace page a year or more ago just to see how the content of the website had changed since the fad of Facebook. To be honest, it took me 3 tries to get the right password. I pulled up to the page and I found myself completely lost by its layout, but not so surprisingly a lot of it looked similar to Facebook.

According to my profile, on August 4, 2007 I set my mood as ":) happy." That was 3 and a half years ago. I only have 84 friends- compare that to my 1,003 Facebook friends. Wow. I also noticed my "top friends" on Myspace are people I haven't talked to in 1-2 years, and definitely none of them would make even my top 50 friend list now. The last person to write on my Myspace was 3 years ago vs. the last person to write on my Facebook wall was about an hour ago. Instead of Facebook's "news feed" Myspace calls it a "stream." Real clever Myspace...I wonder where you came up with that idea...

The competition between Facebook and Myspace isn't much of a competition at all. Myspace doesn't even compare to the power Facebook has. Which is sad in that Myspace virtually allowed the same thing that Facebook did except in a less elite or privatized way. I think Facebook lured so many users in with is exclusivity of needing to be 'invited' to the site by someone; where as Myspace was open to anyone and everyone (where anyone could pose as anyone they wanted to). Even though now Facebook is open to anyone, the fact that it started as private and turned public made people want to be apart of it even more. For example, I remember when I took the shift from Myspace to Facebook. It was the summer before my sophomore year in high school, and a senior invited me to be part of my high school's network. There were still under a hundred or so people on it so I felt really cool. Soon it opened up to more people, and pretty soon my friends and I weren't using Myspace anymore-- and it became almost like this out of date piece of fashion.

Fads come and they go. Popular for awhile, then fall back into oblivion trying desperately to climb back up. Who knows what will happen to Myspace. Will it stay? Will it go? Myspace is like an awkward middle schooler trying to be like the most popular girl in school (Facebook); no matter how much they attempt, they will never be the same.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Social Media Etiquette

In face to face relationships we generally retain some basic etiquette's; like looking people in the eye, not interrupting when someone else's talking, trying not to make rude facial expressions, etc...
But in the social media world the same etiquette we use in the real world doesn't always apply; and there's a whole new set of etiquette rules to follow by. Are you being polite when using social media?

Check out these guidelines

Social Media Etiquette Guidelines

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Social Media Revolution

This video is crazy. It says a LOT about social media and how it's changed our world

Friday, May 13, 2011

iPhone 4s

 According to Forbes, the anticipation for the launching of the iPhone 5 in September, can be a big disappointment. Why you may ask?  Analyst Peter Misek tells the site that a device called the iPhone 4S is actually set to debut. Misek claims the iPhone 4S will be the “renovated” version of the iPhone 4. The new perks  “include minor cosmetic changes, better cameras, A5 dual-core processor, and HSPA+ support.” According to the article, the iPhone 5 should have been announced summer 2011. The disappointment comes from the "knock off" version of Apple’s current product to a slightly beefier version of the iPhone 4. What a letdown. “We heard about larger screens and a possible new design with tapered edges.” So if you’re a camera lover and waiting for an A5 processor and for a 8 pixel camera then the wait is worth your time for the iPhone 5.

What's the Buzz?

"Your cell phone may be killing the honeybees"

Bee researcher Dr. Daniel Favre is concerned with finding the sources that may be dwindling the world's population of honeybees. Favre believes that as mobile phone users, we may be destructing the bee colonies. Favre proved his theory based on several studies he performed. Favre placed mobile devices under beehives. While observing the bees, the researchers found how the insects reacted when the phone was shut off, in standby mode, or active. Favre’s team discovered that when the phone was transmitting a signal, the bees buzzed wildly, letting off or “buzzing” noises that are not normally used during swarming. The bees in the study did not actually create a swarm, and within minutes of the phones being deactivated the hive had calmed down. Favre concluded that  if cell phone signals are causing the bees to act chaotically, it could lead them to abandon their hives.

Article Link
Picture Credit

Online Dating

You see it almost everyday on TV; some commercial of a "happily" married couple who met on an online dating site such as eharmony or The statistics say that one in five relationships begin on an online dating site. So what is this saying about our society and how we are meeting future mates. It shows how serious social media is having an impact on not just our social lives, but our futures and how we meet our boyfriend/girlfriends or future husbands or wives. 

I think there's been a lot of focus on how social medias have affected our relationships in general, but less emphasis on the impact its having on on dating and marital relationships. If 1 in 5 relationships begin on an online dating site, thats 20% of all relationships. That's a lot of people meeting on an online dating site, and a bit scary. It shows that less and less people are meeting in regular social interactions; such as how our parents or grandparents met. There's no longer that funny or cute story of how you and your significant other met that you share to everyone. Now when people ask "oh how did you two meet?" 1 in 5 respond "on an online dating site." 

Online dating sites are really impacting how relationships begin, and how we meet our partners is changing. The change between meeting them in the real world/everyday life to finding them on the online world. 

There are positives to the invention of online dating sites, but it also poses some important things to consider and take note of. For example, on an online dating site you get to choose from tens to hundreds of potential matches, review their profiles, and critique them really hard while comparing them to others- trying to find the perfect one. Your seeing only what the site allows you to see, and you don't get to really experience their personality up close. It's easy to misjudge someone who could potentially have maybe been the love of your life, if you had met them in person first. It's like shopping online for clothes but instead its real people to go on dates with. Strange, but things are evolving so fast these days nothing seems strange anymore. 

Although, it does allows a lot of people who don't have time, or the confidence to interact and meet people in random public places firs,t a chance to find true love. 

I think the fact that so many people are meeting on  online sites like eharmony and says a lot about how we use social media, not just as a way to keep in touch with friends but as a way to meet people romantically. The possibilities are evolving because of social media 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Facebook Update

Facebook has recently added a new perk to its social media site. The site now allows you to tag pages in photos:

The new feature  for photo tagging  is favoring for big corporations and celebrities. We can all now, tag photos with a product, logo, brand company, or Facebook group pages, similar to the way you tag your friends in photos. Facebook comments that a Page can be tagged anywhere that someone can view a photo in the photo viewer. These photos appear on the Photos tab on the Page, and wont show up on the Wall. The page can be tagged by anyone on Facebook, not just people who own the photograph. For now, the feature is restricted to pages that fall into the People and Brands and product categories.We'll see whats next.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Social Media: helpful or harmful to our relationships

Does social media make our relationships more fulfilling or does it harm them?

It's an important question considering the vast implications social media and technology have been having on our society and our every day lives. Our face to face interactions are dwindling as we replace them with Facebook chats, text messages, tweets, and other social media communication tools. With so many ways to communicate the level of closeness in our relationships seem to be lessening. Superficial almost. The term "Friends" on facebook is very vague taking into consideration how many of those people are actually just 'people you know' 'people who go to the same school as you' or 'mild acquaintances.' All of these relationships are very superficial, and in context with social media you think you have more friends then you actually do.

Social media can also create more casual relationships. You message a friend when you want to see if they are free, or you comment on the picture they just posted because it popped up on your news feed or you re-tweeted their tweet because you thought it was interesting. People aren't going out of their way anymore to call friends up or stop by their houses or dorm rooms; we replace the old, yet normal, ways of interacting with friends, with social media interactions. These social media mediated relationships are not as deep as friendships pre-social media when to talk to a friend you needed to put in actual effort-- not just type a 160 character text message or a quick "hey what's up" instant chat message.

However social media can have positive affects for our relationships. For one, social media can help improve relationships that are affected by distance. For example, after graduating from high school all my friends and I went separate directions: West Coast, the South, the Midwest and the East Coast-- literally scattered all over the United States. Physical distance has obviously posed a challenge when trying to keep in touch. No longer could we drive and meet up at a local restaurant or stop by each others houses to hangout. We needed to utilize social media sites and technology even more than we previously had to keep up to speed with each others lives. In this sense, social media has provided us with a way to maintain some sort of connection with each other despite our busy lives. I would not have time to write my friends letters every week detailing my life, like my Mom had to do when she and her friends moved apart decades ago (pre-social media and much of our technology). Me and my friends, and everyone else, have the luxury of utilizing social media to positively improve relationships that physical distance affects.

Social media has its plus sides and its downsides, depending on how we use it. It will be easy for society to slip into the routine of allowing social media to cheapen our relationships, but if we are aware of its implications I think we can for the most part use it in a way that connects people more positively and enhances our relationships.

comScore: Facebook Now Serves One Third Of Online Ads In U.S.

 Although we try to avoid them... they are everywhere. Advertisements before youtube videos, at the bus stops of every corner, driving down the freeway... ahhh the pandemic! Even if we think we have avoided them, turns out they're in our home... at least our Facebook homepages. Facebook is so large that it now accounts for about one out of every three ad impressions in the U.S., according to the latest statistics from comScore Ad Metrix. comScore estimates that 1.1 trillion ads were screened to U.S. Internet users, and 346 billion of those were on Facebook. Talk about overload. What's even more creepy is that the ads seem to be relevant and some what of significance to our lives and or internet usage. Talk about stalking, well at least they are getting sneakier in luring us in.

Article Link
Picture Link

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Throw Down: iPod Vs. Spotify

If you hate using Apple's iTunes to synchronise songs on your iPod or iPhone, the music streaming service Spotify stands strongly against iTunes as a reliable contestant and rival. "It is debuting a new version of its desktop and mobile application for all of its users, including the ad-supported "free" users, which will synchronise tracks from their computer to iPods, iPhones and Android phones." Whats the downfall? Spotify's new iPod syncing feature is only limited to premium subscribers, it's evident that the company's announcements is meant to attract users who are potential paying tiers. The video above debriefs the whole new deal and new thoughts about it.

Did You Know 4.0

Monday, May 2, 2011

A VIDEO teaching wisdom and intelligence any HUMAN can learn from...

Love is wise, Evil is foolish...


Decline in Education=Decline in ...EVERYTHING! The Future is for those who PREPARE 4 it!

Spending so much $$$ but on the right things?
In the right ways?
Is gov't too involved? Privatization anyone */?

Where will the CUTS come from?


America Needs to reevaluate how it's allocating the many resources we have at our disposal and continue to invest in our younger generations futures ... We are a country of immigrants and we need to make sure we keep our public school systems top to bottom world class... and right now most do not have the necessary resources, properly qualified and trained teachers, or simply the funding to educate our future work force...

We also are incentivizing job growth with all these regulations... RIGHT? NOT! ^

BTW look a little closer... its a China store... hmmmmmm interesting...?

In 2010 the headline of the Huffington Posts article read as this: U.S. Falls In World Education Rankings, Rated 'Average'...

President Obama claimed his second term in the Oval Office with his speech last night ...

We shall see what is to come and if spending can be cut, many less spent on military, and investing more in EDUCATION and getting social security fixed and while providing universal healthcare!

Blackberry vs. Iphone

Someone is already always thinking of the best and brightest solutions, but the people that actually can plan, organize, and carry out the actual execution are the people that are leading the start-up generation of new age business.

Rimm the maker of Blackberry just announced its introduction of a new touch screen blackberry to run its new operating system.

The problem is, "innovation isn't required if you get to play off
of other folks ideas. And that is exactly what happened"... - Zach Spire

Technology and information changes and travels too fast in this day and age ...

Also, with the highly anticipated launch date of the new 5G Apple Iphone (that will be only available on AT&T for its first year) expected in early FALL, watch as it generates the typical media storm frenzy like with most other Apple products before they launch... but will it be interesting to see how long it takes Verizon, now that it has access to the Iphone to win out the SmartPhone service provider battle

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Keeping in touch

Over 4,000 tweets sent PER SECOND during obama's speech about Osama Bin Laden's death.
The speed that news travels now because of social media is crazy. So fast. If your in sync with social media it's almost impossible to miss out on the curent events of our time. Not only is it away to stay in touch with friends, social media connects the world on information and keeps everyone in the know.